1. 1.3 अरब से अधिक लोगों के साथ भारत दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे अधिक आबादी वाला देश है।

2. भारत को अपने विविध रूपों और धर्मों के लिए जाना जाता है, जिसमें हिंदू धर्म, इस्लाम, ईसाई धर्म और सिख धर्म प्रमुख धर्म हैं।

3. भारत दुनिया का सातवाँ सबसे बड़ा देश है, जिसका कार्यक्षेत्र लगभग 3.3 मिलियन वर्ग किलोमीटर है।

4. भारतीय उद्योग नाममात्र के होश से दुनिया की पांचवीं सबसे बड़ी और संज्ञा शक्ति समानता के होश से तीसरी सबसे बड़ी है।

5. भारतीय फिल्म उद्योग, जिसे बॉलीवुड के नाम से जाना जाता है, दुनिया में किसी भी अन्य फिल्म उद्योग की तुलना में अधिक फिल्मों का निर्माण करता है।

6. भारत विश्व प्रसिद्ध स्मारक ताजमहल का घर है, जो दुनिया के सात अजूबों में से एक है।

7. भारत का राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक अशोक के सिंह शीर्ष का रूपांतर है, जो मूल रूप से सारनाथ के प्राचीन शहर में पाया गया था।
8. भारत का राष्ट्रीय पशु बंगाल टाइगर है, और राष्ट्रीय पक्षी भारतीय मोर है।

9. सरकार की संघीय व्यवस्था और 28 राज्यों के साथ भारत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा लोकतंत्र है।

10. भारतीय व्यंजन अपने विविध स्वादों और मांसपेशियों के लिए जाना जाता है, और यह एक क्षेत्र से दूसरे क्षेत्र में बहुत भिन्न होता है।

              भारत के बारे में 10 और तथ्य 

11. भारतीय ध्वज में तीन रंग हैं: केसरिया, सफेद और हरा, क्रमशः चिह्नांकन, शुद्धि और विकास का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। केंद्र में नीला पहिया बौद्ध प्रतीक अशोक चक्र का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।

12. भारत में योग का एक समृद्ध इतिहास है, जिसकी उत्पत्ति 5,000 साल पहले प्राचीन भारत में हुई थी। आज योग दुनिया भर के कई देशों में एक लोकप्रिय प्रयोग है।

13. दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा धार्मिक जमावड़ा कुंभ मेला भारत में होता है। यह हर 12 साल में एक हिंदू त्योहार के रूप में आयोजित होता है, और आखिरी 2019 में आयोजित किया गया था, जो लाखों तीर्थयात्रियों को आकर्षित करता है।

14. भारतीय रेलवे प्रणाली दुनिया में सबसे बड़ी है, जिसमें 67,000 किलोमीटर से अधिक ट्रैक और 8,000 से अधिक स्टेशन हैं।

15. भारत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा दूध उत्पादक है, जहां हर साल 150 मिलियन टन से अधिक दूध का उत्पादन होता है।

16. भारतीय अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम 2014 में मार्स ऑर्बिटर मिशन और 2019 में चंद्रयान-2 मिशन के सफल प्रक्षेपण के साथ दुनिया में सबसे तेजी से विकसित होने वाले कार्यक्रमों में से एक है।

17. शतरंज के खेल का आविष्कार भारत में हुआ था, और माना जाता है कि इसकी उत्पत्ति 6वीं शताब्दी ईस्वी के आसपास गुप्त साम्राज्य में हुई थी।

18. भारतीय संविधान दुनिया में सबसे अधिक संक्षिप्त है, जिसमें 22 घटक में 448 लेख और 12 अनुसूचियां हैं।

19. भारत में शास्त्रीय संगीत की एक समृद्ध परंपरा है, जिसमें दो सबसे प्रसिद्ध शैलियां हिंदुस्तानी और कर्नाटक हैं। रविशंकर और अररहमान जैसे कई प्रसिद्ध संगीतकार और संगीतकार भारत से हैं।

20. भारत हाथी, गैंडे, शेर, बाघ, विवरण और पक्षी की कई प्रजातियां वन्यजीवों की एक विविध श्रेणी का घर है। देश में 100 से अधिक राष्ट्रीय उद्यान और 500 से अधिक वन्यजीव अभयारण्य हैं।


                   ₹20000 के तहत गेमिंग पीसी

20,000 INR (लगभग 270 USD) के बजट के साथ। हालांकि यह बजट सीमित हो सकता है, मैं आपको एक ऐसा सेटअप प्रदान करने की पूरी कोशिश करूंगा जो एक अच्छा गेमिंग अनुभव प्रदान कर सके।
यहां उन घटकों की सूची दी गई है जिन पर आप अपने गेमिंग पीसी के लिए विचार कर सकते हैं:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
मदरबोर्ड: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
स्टोरेज: किंग्स्टन A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
ग्राफिक्स कार्ड: Zotac गेमिंग GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
बिजली की आपूर्ति: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
कैबिनेट: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
कुल लागत: 32,644 INR
नोट: ग्राफिक्स कार्ड को एक इस्तेमाल किए गए कार्ड से बदला जा सकता है, जो लागत को काफी कम कर सकता है। हालांकि, मैं आपको सलाह दूंगा कि उपयोग किए गए घटकों को खरीदते समय सावधानी बरतें, क्योंकि क्षतिग्रस्त या दोषपूर्ण उत्पादों के होने का जोखिम है।
हो सकता है कि यह सेटअप उच्च सेटिंग्स पर नवीनतम गेम को संभालने में सक्षम न हो, लेकिन यह पुराने गेम और कुछ कम मांग वाले शीर्षकों के लिए एक अच्छा गेमिंग अनुभव प्रदान करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए। ध्यान रखें कि यदि आप अधिक मांग वाले गेम खेलना चाहते हैं तो आपको भविष्य में कुछ घटकों को अपग्रेड करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।


         महत्वपूर्ण नहीं ____:_ इसे न पढ़ें🥲

            ₹20000 के तहत गेमिंग पीसी

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experie
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 IN
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 IN
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 IN
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 IN
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 IN
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 IN
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 IN
Total cost: 32,644 IN
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games

              GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                  GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                  GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


               GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


               GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


               GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


               GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                  GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


               GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


               GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.


                GAMING PC UNDER ₹20000

With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



With a budget of 20,000 INR (approximately 270 USD). While this budget might be limiting, I will do my best to provide you with a setup that can provide a decent gaming experience.
Here is a list of components that you can consider for your gaming PC:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3200G - 6,499 INR
Motherboard: MSI A320M-A PRO MAX - 4,849 INR
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 3000MHz - 3,199 INR
Storage: Kingston A400 240GB SSD - 2,899 INR
Graphics card: Zotac Gaming GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 10,499 INR
Power supply: Antec BP450P - 2,599 INR
Cabinet: Zebronics Zeb-Cronus Premium - 2,099 INR
Total cost: 32,644 INR
Note: The graphics card can be replaced with a used one, which can reduce the cost by a considerable amount. However, I would advise you to exercise caution when buying used components, as there is a risk of getting damaged or defective products.
This setup might not be able to handle the latest games at high settings, but it should be able to provide a decent gaming experience for older games and some of the less demanding titles. Keep in mind that you might need to upgrade some of the components in the future if you want to play more demanding games.



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